Effort afoot to make Ayeng ‘Green & Clean’

PASIGHAT, Jul 12: With an unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit for ‘Green and Clean’ villages within the Mebo sub-division of East Siang district, Mebo ADC Sibo Passing successfully launched Ke’tir Momi’r Gokying (A Mission towards Clean and Green Ayeng) during his adoption of Govt Upper Primary School Ayeng, in attendance of senior citizens, teachers, HoDs of Mebo sub-division, Gaon Burahs, public leaders, various Societies & Self Help Groups, religious leaders, students and the villagers of Ayeng village. 

The ADC stated that Ke’tir Momi’r Tree (an indigenous of Ayeng village) is a sub-tropical fruit bearing evergreen tree and provides ample shade and greenery round the year and the tree can survive drought and require minimal or no care once planted due to being indigenous in nature.

Through the joint efforts of ADC Passing and Ayeng village, the villagers and volunteers demonstrated the power of collective action in effecting positive change and showed that such initiative can foster a significant relationship and impact on a wider environment.

Rows of newly planted saplings of ke’tir Momi’r tree dotted the landscape of Upper Primary School, Ayeng, promising a more vibrant and greener school nestled in the heart of Ayeng village.

“Through this mission, I have tried to encourage the people of Ayeng village to plant as many numbers of the wonder tree called Ke’tir Momi’r, including every house yard, schools, Community Centres, religious prayer centres, village avenue roads all over Ayeng village,” stated Passing.

“The success of the mission shall certainly change the aesthetic greenery and cleanliness of Ayeng village,” he added. (DIPRO)