BASAR, Jul 31: In a bid to educate and sensitize the villages heads about their various administrative as well as judicial roles & duties as ‘village authorities’ under the provisions of law, the Leparada district administration led by DC Atul Tayeng is organising circle level sensitization programmes for all HGBs and GBs of the district.
The programme kick-started at the Town Club Hall here today with the enthusiastic attendance of all HGBs and GBs from both Basar and Sago circles. The programme was chaired by DC Atul Tayeng with Circle Officer, Basar HQ Oter Gao and Advocate Mimar Basar (secretary general, GRK) taking part as the resource persons.
Sharing his insight, the DC reiterated that the institution of HGBs/GBs has always been highly regarded in our tribal society in the justice delivery system. “From records, it is evident to everyone that even criminal cases of the highest order have been harmoniously solved by these institutions in the past,” he mentioned.
He urged that whoever is appointed as HGB/GB, he or she must maintain neutrality so that delivery of justice is not questioned in any manner and the age-old faith to the sanctity of the system is not compromised. Apart from these roles, the DC emphasised that HGBs/GBs also act as eyes and ears of the district administration and the Govt at the grassroot level. Therefore, they must take part in developmental, educational as well as social activities in their respective village areas and should report any shortcomings, issues to concerned administrative officers or the DC directly for early redressal.
Earlier, CO Oter Gao presented a comprehensive overview of the various administrative roles, responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of the HGBs/GBs in their respective village jurisdiction.
She informed the house that under the Assam Frontier (Administration of Justice) Regulation 1945, ordinary duties of police in respect of crime shall be discharged by the HGB/GB. They shall maintain peace and order within their jurisdiction. The HGB/GB shall have to cooperate with the Panchayat members in implementing various development programs in their respective jurisdiction and they are to act as representative of the Government in their respective village area. Additionally, various other roles and responsibilities of HGBs/GBs were dwelled in length by the speaker.
Advocate Mimar Basar elaborated on the judicial roles, powers and responsibilities of the HGBs/GBs in context of the Assam Frontier (Administration of Justice) Regulation (Amendment) Act, 2023. He advised the HGBs/GBs to exercise their judicial power in full conformity with the prescribed law and rules so that any final decision/verdict passed by them as ‘Village Authority’ are not quashed by any competent court merely on the basis of procedural lapses.
He further elaborated on various provisions and procedures that need to be followed while executing their judicial powers and roles. Among others, he explained the HGBs/GBs about the types of criminal and civil cases/ offences that can only be taken cognizance and tried by them as per customary law.
Towards the end of the programme, an open discussion round cum doubt clearance session was also organised wherein numerous doubts/questions raised by the participants were clarified and answered by the chairman and resource persons. (DIPRO)